Rosacea is a very common, chronic condition that affects many people worldwide. Most people with rosacea are Causasians of mainly northwestern European descent, with fair skin. Rosacea is called the ‘curse of the Celts’ and affects both sexes, although it is almost three times more common in women. The onset of the disease usually occurs between the age of 30 and 60.
The main symptoms of rosacea include red or pink patches on the central face across the cheeks, nose, or forehead (less commonly neck, chest, ears, and scalp), visible tiny broken blood vessels, small red bumps, red cysts, and pink or irritated eyes. In some advanced cases, a red lobulated nose (rhinophyma) may develop.
Rosacea is considered a long-term, non-curable skin condition with periodic ups and downs. It is not considered contagious or infectious. The exact cause of rosacea remains a mystery. The fundamental process probably involves dilation of the small blood vessels of the face. Suspected causes of rosacea include genetic factors, exposure to sun and temperature extremes, the mite Demodex folliculorum (sometimes found in hair follicles), the bacteria Helicobacter pylori, gastrointestinal disease, some drugs that cause blood vessels widening and so on. Strenuous exercise, stress, anxiety, cold wind, or quick temperature changes may cause rosacea to flare.
Rosacea cannot be cured, but it can usually be controlled with proper and regular treatment. Treating rosacea varies depending on severity and subtypes of the disease. Mild cases usually do not require medical treatment. Photodynamic therapy, laser and intense pulsed light, as well as pharmacotherapy are the most common methods used in more severe cases. Available medications include antibiotics in topical creams or pills (usually tetracyclines), and isotretinoin. Topical creams usually contain metronidazole or azelaic acid. Isotretinoin is infrequently prescribed for severe and resistant rosacea. In addition, prescription or over-the-counter sensitive skin cleansers may also provide symptom relief and control. Patients should avoid excessive rubbing or scrubbing the face.
1. Rosacea is a curable disease.
2. Women are more likely to develop rosacea.
3. Rosacea is contagious and can be caused by Helicobacter pylori or some kind of mite.
4. High doses of isotretinoin are used in mild cases of rosacea.
5. Skin cleansers with alcohol should be used by patients affected by rosacea.
• rosacea [roʊˈzeɪʃiə] – trądzik różowaty
• Caucasian [kɔˈkeɪʒən] – osoba należąca do rasy kaukaskiej
• descent [dɪˈsɛnt] – pochodzenie
• fair [fɛər] – jasny, blond (o włosach)
• curse [kɜrs] – klątwa
• patch [pætʃ] – łata, płat
• bump [bʌmp] – guz, guzek
• lobulated [ˈlɒbyəleɪtɪd] – mający guzki
• rhinophyma [ˈraɪnoʊˈfīmə] – rynofyma (odmiana przerostowa trądziku różowatego)
• dilation [daɪˈleɪʃən] – rozszerzenie
• mite [maɪt] – roztocze
• hair follicle [hɛər ˈfɒlɪkəl] – mieszek włosowy
• strenuous [ˈstrɛnyuəs] – ciężki, wyczerpujący
• to flare [tə flɛər] – wybuchać
• tetracycline [tɛtrəˈsaɪklin
• isotretinoin [aɪsoʊtrɪˈtɪnoʊɪn
• metronidazole [mɛtrəˈnaɪdəˌzoʊl
• to rub [tə rʌb] – oczyszczać, nacierać
• to scrub [tə skrʌb] – szorować, czyścić
Correct answers: false, true, false, false, false
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