Celiac disease (praktyczny angielski)

Celiac disease (praktyczny angielski)

Celiac disease in an autoimmune disorder of the small intestine. It is a polyfactorial disease that occurs in genetically predisposed people. The onset may appear in people of any age, from middle infancy onward.
Celiac disease is caused by a specific reaction to some prolamines found in wheat (gliadin), oat (avenin), rye (secalin) and barley (hordein). Prolamines is an alcohol-soluble fraction of gluten. In persons without celiac disease the peptide products of gluten digestion get into enterocytes, where they are further processed by hydrolases to nonimmunogenic products. A tiny fraction of undigested gluten enters the lamina propria and stimulates oral tolerance to gluten. In persons who suffer from celiac disease tight junctions, which prevent macromolecules from getting into enterocytes do not function in the proper way. It causes the increased mucosal permeability and stimulates an immune response. That leads to villous atrophy and interferes with the absorption of nutrients.
The only known effective treatment of the celiac disease is a lifelong gluten-free diet. It may be cumbersome as any deviation from the diet may cause relapse.
Several grains and starch sources are considered acceptable in a gluten-free diet. The best known are: corn, potatoes, rice, buckwheat, millet, amaranth, quinoa, yam, or sorghum. Dietary fiber, iron and B vitamins deficiency is observed in people with celiac disease quite often. That’s why they are supposed to eat various types of bean, soybean, nut flours, as well as other allowed products that may help to provide proper amounts of these substances.
Unfortunately, gluten may be found in many foods you would never suspect of containing it, like ketchup or ice-creams. Although many foods contain gluten, it is not always included in ingredients lists. Its presence may be a result of contamination. You can also find it in some cosmetics (lipsticks, lip glosses) as well as glues on envelopes and even some medications.

1. Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder that afflicts people of all ages.
2. In people suffering from celiac disease prolamines cause a specific immune response of the organism.
3. The inflammation caused by gluten leads to a truncating of the villi lining the small intestine.
4. People suffering from celiac disease are supposed to eat lots of wheat products.
5. Gluten-free diets may cause B vitamins deficiency.

• celiac disease ˈsiliæk dɪˈziz – celiakia
• infancy ˈɪnfənsi – niemowlęctwo
• wheat wit} – pszenica
• oat oʊt – owies
• rye raɪ – żyto
• barley ˈbɑrli – jęczmień
• junction ˈdʒʌŋkʃən – połączenie
• mucosal permeability myuˈkoʊsəl pɜrmiəˈbɪlɪti – przepuszczalność błony śluzowej
• lamina propria ˈlæmənə ˈproʊpriə – blaszka właściwa
• villous atrophy ˈvɪləs ˈætrəfi – atrofia kosmków jelitowych
• to interfere tə ɪntərˈfɪər – przeszkadzać, kolidować
• cumbersome ˈkʌmbərsəm – uciążliwy
• relapse rɪˈlæps – nawrót
• grain greɪn – zboże, ziarno
• buckwheat ˈbʌkwit – gryka
• starch stɑrtʃ – skrobia, produkt bogaty w skrobię
• millet ˈmɪlɪt – proso
• quinoa kiˈnoʊə – quinoa
• yam yæm – ignam, pochrzyn, słodki ziemniak
• sorghum ˈsɔrgəm – sorgo
• contamination kəntæməˈneɪʃən – zanieczyszczenie

Correct answers: true, true, true, false, true

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